É produzida em todo o país, sobretudo, nas zonas de Entre Douro e Minho, Trás-os-Montes, Beira Interior, Beira Litoral, Oeste, Ribatejo, Península de Setúbal e Costa Alentejana. Com sol o ano inteiro, solos nutritivos e um clima atlântico, a batata nova chega até si pouco depois de ser colhida. Isto significa que não tem longos períodos de armazenamento. Com menor pegada ecológica, é aliada do ambiente.
Rica em amido, fonte de fibra potássio e vitamina C, pode ser confecionada de múltiplas formas e sem qualquer desperdício. É aproveitada da cabeça aos pés e usada como acompanhamento, prato principal ou sobremesa. Delicie-se com as nossas receitas.
Portugal tem uma longa tradição no cultivo de batata, um dos alimentos mais consumidos em todo o mundo. Graças ao clima e às características do solo, a batata portuguesa distingue-se pela qualidade. Sabor e textura que merecem estar no centro da sua mesa!
The mission of Miss Tata is to put Portuguese potatoes in their place – on the table – highlighting their potential and benefits. A brand created by producers, wholesalers, packers and industry to place value on production, boost consumption and increase exports.
Miss Tata is Portuguese, for sure! Tasty and familiar, produced according to best practices throughout Portugal.
Promotion of Miss Tata internationally is supported by Portugal 2020, within the scope of the Competitiveness and Internationalisation Operational Programme. It is focused on seven strategic markets: France, Germany, Spain, The Netherlands, The United Arab Emirates, Slovenia and Angola. Find out more about this project here.
Don’t miss the latest news about Miss Tata
While the new potato harvest is in full swing in Portugal, Porbatata is launching the “Miss Tata, the Favourite” campaign.
Porbatata organizes International Potato Symposium that takes place from 3rd to 4th May in Alcochete, Portugal.
Collective brand created by Porbatata, Associação da Batata de Portugal, will be present at Fruit Logistica in Berlin from 5th to 7th April
Cedric Porter, from WPM, Jan Gottschall from NAO, Laurent Cavard, CEO of the Altho and Berta Benito, from Europotat, are some of the speakers.
Participating in the programme MasterChef is an opportunity to reach more consumers
The ambassador of Portuguese potatoes will be present at the biggest meeting of professionals from the horticulture sector
To make the best dishes, recipes were chosen from other countries and the characteristics of various Portuguese potatoes were studied
Producer-members of Porbatata are going to use the Miss Tata brand on their packaging
Associação da Batata de Portugal launches a page to publicise the brand that promotes Portuguese potatoes
The philatelic issue comprises two stamps, one for domestic mail and another for European mail
Porbata launches the brand for promoting portuguese potatoes
Live broadcast from Porbatata on Facebook
Internationalisation will be supported by portugal 2020
Project for Promoting Portuguese Potatoes in Foreign Markets will be presented in Lourinhã
A classic English dish where the Portuguese potato is the queen
A classic Italian dish where the potato is the queen
A tasty snack to share with friends
A dessert with potato and caramelized apple that will surprise you
Dare to try this delicious recipe made with potato skins